In Greene County district court Danyell Marie Freeman, 48, of Fort Dodge was sentenced March 11 to two years in prison after changing her plea to guilty to a charge of driving while license barred. The prison term was suspended and she was placed on probation to the Iowa Department of Corrections for two years. She was fined $855 with a $128.50 surcharge; both were suspended. She must pay $400 restitution for her court appointed attorney’s fees and $306 court costs. (The case was initiated in November 2021. Her guilty plea was entered in April 2022. She did not appear for sentencing on the appointed date the next month.) (Sentencing: Honorable Joseph B. McCarville)
Cheyenne Selena Vasquez, 27, of Ankeny was granted a deferred judgment after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of operating while intoxicated. The was placed on probation to Boone/Greene County Probation for one year. She must undergo a substance abuse evaluation and complete any recommended treatment at her own expense. She must also complete a community college drinking driver’s school. A judgment was entered for a $1,250 civil penalty, restitution for her court appointed attorney’s fees not to exceed $500, and $100 court costs. (Sentencing: McCarville)
Roger Keith Ketchum Jr, 37, of Jefferson pleaded not guilty March 10 to charges of harassment- second degree, interference with official acts causing bodily injury, and assault on person in certain occupation. A trial date was set for May 13.
Information is available since warrants were served in three outstanding cases. Shanntell M. Tiernan, 24, of Fort Dodge is charged with theft- first degree. The case was initiated Oct. 328, 2024; the warrant was served Feb. 26. Joseph Edward Blackmon, 48, of Jefferson is charged with unauthorized use of credit card less than $1,500; the case was initiated Jan. 20 and the warrant was served March 10. Maya Renee Benavides, 21, of Fort Dodge is charged with theft- second degree; the case was initiated Feb. 21 and the warrant was served March 11.
Cases were initiated as follows: Orlando Lee Love, 27, of Humboldt, possession of methamphetamine and malicious prosecution; and Devin Christopher Hackfort, 28, of Jefferson, attempted murder, assault on persons in certain occupation- bodily injury assault on persons in certain occupation (two counts), harassment- first degree, arson- second degree, and eluding- speed more than 25 mph over the limit.